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Unbreakable Confidence Course
Unbreakable Confidence Course
Introduction: Welcome to the Course (1:05)
Lesson 1: What is Confidence? (4:15)
Lesson 2: The Most Common Roadblock to Being Confident (4:04)
Lesson 3: Choose Your Focus (3:03)
Lesson 4: Why Your Past Doesn't Define You (2:25)
Lesson 5: Harness Your Strengths and Intuition (4:03)
Lesson 6: The Power of Visualization (3:21)
Lesson 7: Take Imperfect Action (2:04)
Lesson 8: Master Your Time (1:10)
Lesson 9: Value Your Opinion (3:11)
Lesson 10: Challenge Yourself to Go Beyond Your Limits (4:27)
Bonus: Confidence Visualization (7:15)
Bonus: Be Bold Mantras (1:56)
Bonus: Be Bold Mantras
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